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M&S Sourcing Director on Sustainability in the Supply Chain


Monique Leeuwenburgh, Director of Sourcing, Technology and Sustainability at Marks & Spencer, will outline the retailer’s progress against its environmental and social goals at the UKFT Sustainability in UK Textiles conference on 28 September in London.

She will share how Plan A has progressed over the past 10 years and how the retailer has set strict carbon targets and how the challenge of meeting these targets is managed throughout the supply chain. Monique will also give her view is of how UK textile manufacturing could take advantage of the rapid move towards a more circular textile model.


Solutions, lessons and definitions

The second UKFT Sustainability conference on 28 September in London will build on the success of the 2022 event by providing clear, industry-relevant help and guidance specifically for the UK textile industry. The speakers will offer advice on how to improve performance, measure and monitor progress, and communicate environmental credentials. The conference will give a clearer overview of the relevant environmental merits (or otherwise) of various fibres and certification schemes and an outline of the current landscape for sustainability legislation.

The conference is specifically aimed at leaders in UK textile manufacturing. Space is limited so unfortunately we are unable to offer places for stakeholders from the wider UK textile industry. If you are from a business manufacturing textiles in the UK and wish to apply for a place, please contact info@ukftorg.wpenginepowered.com