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Promote what you do

If you are an Education Partner UKFT can help to promote what you do to our broad reaching networks. We can highlight courses, opportunities, expertise and facilities as well as bring your research and projects in front of industry to encourage connectivity.

Who we can reach

UKFT is the most inclusive British network for fashion and textile companies, bringing together designers, manufacturers, agents and retailers. UKFT is in a unique position to promote what you do to businesses from spinning, weaving and knitting, right through to catwalk and garment care.

We also have a growing community of people wishing to join, and progress within, the industry signed up to UKFT Futures, a platform to promote careers in the UK fashion and textile industryThe site encourages users to explore opportunities, and find their path. We can tell them about what you have to offer through targeted social media channels and a regular newsletter.

Visit UKFT Futures


What we can promote


If you would like to open up your doors to allow businesses and industry practitioners to access your facilities, expertise, resources and equipment we can share what you have to offer with our networks.

What we will need:

  • Images we can use for promotion
  • A short description of the equipment, resource, expertise or facilities
  • Terms – e.g. bespoke package, free to access, partnership, commercial rates

Promote your facilities


Courses and training

From entry level to professional training we can promote newly developed courses, short courses, CPD, apprenticeships & traineeship vacancies and vocational training opportunities.

What we will need:

  • Title of course/training
  • Location of delivery
  • A link to where there is more information
  • An image we can use to promote
  • Any key dates – e.g. applications by, start dates, end dates

Please get in touch with the above information.

Promote courses and training


Research and projects

We can bring your research and projects in front of industry to encourage greater connectivity and industry engagement.

Please get in touch with the following information:

  • A description of what it is you would like to promote
  • Imagery we can use to promote
  • Who you would like to reach
  • What you are looking for e.g. partnerships, demonstrate a need, industry support, general awareness etc.

Promote your research and projects


Member Spotlight

A Member Spotlight is a more general feature to introduce what you do to the wider UKFT network. If you would like to talk about what you do as a whole please get in touch with the following information: 

  • Description of your institution/business/department in less than 50 words.
  • News/information on your activity (around 300-400 words)
  • Approximately 4-5 images (2-3 MB JPEG non branded images, ideally landscape) to run alongside it.
  • All relevant social handles
  • Website
  • A line or two on why you joined UKFT

The feature will be shared on our website, newsletter and social channels. Examples of Member Spotlights can be found here.


Run a Member Spotlight