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Free OECD e-learning course on Due Diligence for Garment Supply Chains


OECD has launched a new e-learning course on Due Diligence for Garment and Footwear Supply Chains, as part of the organisation’s online Academy on Responsible Business Conduct which was launched last year.

The course aims to help learners deepen their knowledge of prevalent human rights, labour rights and environmental risks in the garment and footwear sector and understand how to implement OECD due diligence recommendations in their own operations and supply chain.

The OECD Due Diligence for Garment and Footwear Supply Chains course is free of charge, self-paced and includes short quizzes to assess your newly acquired knowledge. It takes take approximately 2 hours to complete this course.

After successful completion of the course, learners will receive a certificate of completion.


To access the course:

  • REGISTER HERE to access the Essentials of OECD Due Diligence for RBC course.
  • An icon for the Garment and Footwear course should appear with a brief delay and learners will be invited to watch a brief video to have access to the new course within 48 hours.

The course is divided in two sections:

  • OECD Sectoral Guidance (30min) is an introduction to the sector and presents key characteristics of the sector and background to RBC and development of the OECD Garment and Footwear Guidance
  • OECD due diligence framework (1h30) is a presentation of the due diligence process step by step, considering key issues such as purchasing practices and stakeholder engagement

You will learn about:

  • Risks commonly found in the garment and footwear sector and supply chains
  • OECD risk-based due diligence framework and supporting measures
  • Practical risk mitigation actions companies can take to prevent and address risks in the supply chain