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REPURPOSE launches as circular platform, processor and innovation hub


Circularity platform Recomme has joined forces with ACS Clothing to launch REPURPOSE, a platform, processor and innovation hub for clothing and footwear recovery, recycling, refurbishment and reuse, with support from UKFT.

Repurpose Facility at ACS

REPURPOSE aims to establish itself as the go-to solution for the UK clothing and footwear industry, offering efficient and effective connections with leading repurposing providers. It also will serve as a hub for innovation, ensuring access to the latest technologies and processors.

It offers a comprehensive solution for brands and retailers, facilitating the next stage of life for all products to create new value. From pre-consumer stock, to post-consumer returns, REPURPOSE pledges to ensure that every item is sorted and attributed to the optimum route for its next life to maximise its value. The one-stop-shop setup creates positive unit economics for brands and retailers, enhancing profitability and efficiency.

“Our collaboration marks a pivotal moment in the industry’s journey towards sustainability,” says Andrew Rough, CEO at ACS. “Through REPURPOSE, we aim to establish a seamless ecosystem where brands, retailers, and innovators come together to accelerate to a truly circular economy. At ACS we operate the largest circular fashion hub in Europe and by partnering with the award-winning Recomme technology platform we are able to offer a one stop shop.”

“We believe that collaboration is key to driving meaningful change,” says Tom Grafton, Co-Founder at Recomme. ” Our goal is to leverage our technology and embrace innovation to  accelerate and scale the UK’s transition towards a more circular future.”

“By bringing together our expertise and resources, we are making circular infrastructure accessible – both commercially and logistically, which we know is one of the key hurdles to many presently.”

“We look forward to working with retailers and brands of all sizes, from bricks and mortar to ecommerce on achieving their sustainability goals and moving the industry forwards.”

For more information about REPURPOSE, contact tom@recomme.co