Home / News / Worn Again Technologies plans new textile recycling demo plant

Worn Again Technologies plans new textile recycling demo plant


UK-based Worn Again Technologies is in the final planning stages of an innovative demonstration plant that will showcase its polymer processing technologies for textile recycling.

The facility, which will be built and operated by the company, will be constructed in Winterthur in Switzerland, which is close to one  of its technology partners Sulzer Chemtech. The plant will have the capacity to prevent 1,000 tonnes of textiles being incinerated every year in a move expected to pave the way for industrial-scale operations.

The new industrial-scale infrastructure will help validate Worn Again’s closed-loop chemical recycling solution. The process obtains polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and cellulose from non-reusable, hard-to-recycle textiles that constitute post-industrial and post-consumer waste, purifying the products by removing dyes, contaminants and impurities.

Worn Again said the process is a step forward from traditional recycling methods and delivers high-quality, virgin-like materials that can be reintroduced into supply chains to become new fibres, textiles and other products.